Saturday, November 8, 2008

The house I grew up in is no longer my home. But it's not bad.

Aaron and I live in a tiny apartment in downtown Chicago. It was a relief to finally leave Detroit. Although I miss my brother and my dog, it was a solid decision a full year in the making. Aaron has a job at Argo Tea, a growing chain of cafes in Chicago. He's attending Second City and enjoying himself. In the meantime, I am not attending school and working a part time job that I truly despise. Everybody wins.

My digital camera battery charger has been m.i.a. for several months now. I gave up trying to find it once I'd finished packing before the move. I've been shooting strictly with film for several months and I do not regret this. I am always more pleased with the outcome of the photos themselves and it is much more exciting and skill-sharpening. And since I could use an awful lot of polishing, it's nice. The massive downside, however, is that I have no means of developing the photos myself, so the film and developing is very costly.

I have my sketchbook and cigarettes to keep me company.

- being broke
- Brad Neely's Creased Comics. So awesome.
- going to job interviews and feeling like a tool while trying desperately to avoid my current job
- This is now mine.
- care packages from family at home
- I don't have mittens.

1 comment:

Bill Raid said...

The guy in the second to last picture looks exactly like Charlie Sheen.